I am pointing to where I am on the room 17 reading pathway.
I am currently reading at green three (green one is the government expectation for a child who has been at school for a year).
I have lots of success criteria's, these are some of them (the rest can be found on my classroom walls):
- I know when I have made a mistake when I read and I can fix it by:
- rereading/rerunning
- reading on
- thinking about what makes sense.
- I can work out words I don't know yet by using my growing knowledge of letter-sound relationships.
- I can use different strategies to help me understand what I am reading. I can talk to others about what I am reading.
Teacher Voice: "DiDi you have been working so hard on your reading - both at school and home. You are starting to confidently use different strategies to make sure you are reading the right words and self correct when you make a mistake. You are using your growing letter sound knowledge to help work out words you don't know. Each reading level you move through is all because of how hard you are working - well done keep it up!" - Miss H
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